Monger is an idiomatic Clojure MongoDB driver for a more civilized age. It has batteries included, offers powerful expressive query DSL, strives to support every MongoDB 2.0+ feature and has sane defaults. It also has solid documentation.

1.3.0 is a minor 100% backwards-compatible release that includes an important bug fix in the updated MongoDB Java driver. We recommend all users to upgrade to it as soon as possible.

Changes in 1.3.0


monger.core/disconnect! closes the default database connection.

Ragtime 0.3.0

Ragtime dependency has been updated to 0.3.0.

MongoDB Java Driver Update

MongoDB Java driver dependency has been updated to 2.9.2. This includes an important concurrency bug fix: JAVA-660.

Cheshire Support

monger.json and monger.joda-time will now use Cheshire if it is available. is no longer a hard dependency (but 0.1.x versions are still supported if available).

Recently released version 0.2.0 completely breaks public API and is not supported. We recommend all users prefer Cheshire when possible.

ClojureWerkz Support 0.7.0

ClojureWerkz Support library is upgraded to 0.7.

Change Log

We recommend all users to upgrade to 1.3.0 as soon as possible.

Monger change log is available on GitHub.

Monger is a ClojureWerkz Project

Monger is part of the group of libraries known as ClojureWerkz, together with

  • Welle, a Riak client with batteries included
  • Elastisch, a minimalistic Clojure client for ElasticSearch
  • Neocons, a client for the Neo4J REST API
  • Langohr, a Clojure client for RabbitMQ that embraces the AMQP 0.9.1 model
  • Quartzite, a powerful scheduling library

and several others. If you like Monger, you may also like our other projects.

Let us know what you think on Twitter or on the Clojure mailing list.

@michaelklishin on behalf of the ClojureWerkz Team